‘Twas a baleful fog last night that filled the empty streets. This being early November, and 3 o’clock in the morning, I was quite by myself, exempt from traffic lights’ propounding boundaries, whether...
View ArticleAcclimate
The seasonal wights did not come in airs of pestilence, as their cousins, the blights. They came on the equinoctial turns, when the smells of the seasons lured them from their woody haunts. Men at...
View ArticleAcerate
A pile of pine needles, my breath in the air. Here’s the backyard, and the snow on top of it. Where in the white I dropped my keys, I don’t know. I’ve dug like a rabid dog twelve haphazard holes, none...
View ArticleAcoustic
Acoustic rhythm, singing slow, She’s naked now and she won’t go. The mem’ry’s clear, the window glows With frost, the sun behind it flows It drips, opaque, smoky yellow The glare is bright, her face in...
View ArticleAcre
Jim, Hot, you say! Is that your countrified way of exaggerating? Don’t you dare tell me you know from hot, farmboy, until you’ve spent a weekend in a thin wood tenement when the radiator’s broken down....
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It was in the breeze and moving like a river, the red scarf sinuous and slowly running away. Side to side it snaked, it should have been born a kite, running red and running away. It marched on forever...
View ArticleAdapt
If we adapt to climes unkind Our blood will thicken, thin or bind Depending on where we do settle. So look ahead or fall behind. To bind we must be in fine fettle; This pass will surely test our...
View ArticleAdrenal
Charlie pulled the long coat off his shoulders. His back was already starting to sweat. His back and the back of his neck, and his armpits, the pits of his knees, his palms, and his scalp. They were...
View ArticleAdsorb
I awoke in the back seat of the car under a blanket too thin to keep out the morning cold. I awoke with the comfortable disorientation of not knowing who I was or what had happened to me, what had...
View ArticleAdvent
You told me you loved the stories I told you about my past and the women I’d loved and failed. In your moments of doubt, love turned to bitterness and you told me all you would be in the end was a...
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